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Swagger Param Documentation

Current State:

I have two methods in my controller to get data based on what parameters are passed. The code:

public class SampleController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", params = {"cost"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String getSamplesByIdAndCost(@PathVariable String id, @RequestParam(value = "cost") String cost) {
        return "result";

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", params = {"cost", "size"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String getSamplesByIdCostAndSize(@PathVariable String id, @RequestParam(value = "cost") String cost,
                                        @RequestParam(value = "size") String size) {
    return "ID : " + id + " / COST : " + cost + " / SIZE : " + size;

Everything works fine, but the swagger documentation is not what I expected.

enter image description here

enter image description here


Is there a way to remove {?size,cost} from the Request URL?

Here is my Docket info:

    public Docket myApi() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                                typeResolver.resolve(ResponseEntity.class, WildcardType.class)),
                        newArrayList(new ResponseMessageBuilder()
                                .message("500 message")
                                .responseModel(new ModelRef("Error"))


    TypeResolver typeResolver;

    UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
        return new UiConfiguration(
                "validatorUrl",// url
                "none",       // docExpansion          => none | list
                "alpha",      // apiSorter             => alpha
                "schema",     // defaultModelRendering => schema
                false,        // enableJsonEditor      => true | false
                true);        // showRequestHeaders    => true | false


  • See Tobias Raski's answer to understand more about why this problem exists.

    There is a work around for this. You can see some details here:

    In summary there is an experimental UI that fixes the issue. This may eventually be irrelevant when a future fix comes out.