I'm currently working on an AngularJS app
I have an object which contains some boolean flags. I created a watch for one of such bool.
Does the watch fire upon object creation? Can the watch fire at random time even the boolean flag hasn't changed?
So we have (I'm working with Gianluca):
scope.$watch("chartData.selectedIndicator", function() {
if (chartData.selectedIndicator !== -1){
}, true);
...despite not having updated chartData.selectedIndicator, this watch is still being hit and I am wondering if it is because within our chartData factory we are initialising selectedIndicator and this is why the watch is being hit?
.factory("chartData", [..., chartData]);
function chartData(...) {
var chartData = {
selectedIndicator : -1,
I wonder if this would potentially be a case of just checking for newValue !== oldValue as suggested then?