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Can I avoid code duplication when the return type is different?

I have 2 methods with the exact same logic:

Dog RunDog()
    // a LOT of businees logic
    return DogMethod(dogParams);

Employee RunEmployee()
    // the exact same logic from above
    return EmployeeMethod(employeeParams (can be easily converted to/from dogParams));

Is there a common design pattern to help me avoid the code duplication?

Perhaps something like:

T RunT()
    // Logic...
    // Invoke DogMethod/EmployeeMethod depending on T and construct the params accodringly

I chose Dog/Employee to emphasize that there's no easy way to convert between the two.


  • If the two methods return different types then they do different things although they use the same business logic internally. So I would extract the commonly used business logic like

    class Running
        public Dog RunDog()
            var dogParams = GetParams();
            return DogMethod(dogParams);
        public Employee RunEmployee()
            var dogParams = GetParams();
            var employeeParams = ConvertParams(dogParams);
            return EmployeeMethod(employeeParams);
        private DogParams GetParams()
              // a LOT of business logic