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Using Generate Block/ Loop to Make a Ripple Carry Adder

I've already done searches here and found some insight, but some of the concepts about using this kind of loop elude me. Here are my modules for the Half-Adder and Full-Adder:

module HalfAdder( A, B, Cout, S );
    input  A, B;
    output Cout, S;

    assign Cout = A & B;
    assign S = A ^ B;


module FullAdder(FA_A, FA_B, Cin, FA_S, Cout);
    input  FA_A, FA_B, Cin;
    output FA_S, Cout;

    wire ha0_S, ha0_C, ha1_C;

    HalfAdder ha0( .A(   FA_A  ),
                    .B(   FA_B  ),
                    .Cout(ha0_C ),
                    .S( ha0_S )

    HalfAdder ha1( .A(   Cin   ),
                    .B(   ha0_S ),
                    .Cout(ha1_C ),
                    .S( FA_S  )

    assign Cout = ha0_C | ha1_C;


And here is my RCA code:

module RCA8(A_8, B_8, Cin, Cout, S_8);
input  [7:0] A_8, B_8;
input  Cin;
output Cout;
output [7:0] S_8;

wire   [8:0] c;

assign c[0] = Cin;

genvar i;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i=i+1) 
    begin : make_fadders
        FullAdder fa(   .FA_A( A_8[i] ),
                            .FA_B( B_8[i] ),
                            .Cin(  c[i]   ),
                            .FA_S( S_8[i] ),
                            .Cout( c[i+1] )

assign Cout = c[8];


I'm trying to get the simulator (iSim) to run. When I do check syntax it works, but when I try to generate a programming file it fails and when I run Mapping it returns a bunch of warnings. The iSim says error 861: failed to link the design. Doesn't Mapping have to do with that?

One thing I don't really understand is that in the implementation and/or simulation view, it only shows one fullAdder module in the RCA's drop down tree. Should it show 8? Or is that not how this works?

I really want to make this work, because the alternative is making 8 fadders by hand (as the assignment shows...) as opposed to learning how to use this useful tool.

Other details: Windows 10, using 32-bit Project Navigator Xilinx 14.7

Thanks for any help!


  • Check out this link. Renaming a file called collect2.exe may resolve your issue.

    Xilinx Installation and troubleshooting