I'm playing around with Pagination using React/Meteor. By passing a limit parameter in the URL I can define the number of results that should be displayed.
FlowRouter.route('/books/:_booksLimit?', {
action() {
mount(Es6MainLayout, {
content: (<BookSearchWrapper/>)
However when I try and increment the limit to load more, the URL gets generated but FlowRouter does not actually reload the page. I get the feeling that I'm taking the wrong approach here. How should I trigger the URL to actually reload?
Currently this sets the URL to books/20 but the page doesn't actually reload and no additional results are displayed.
loadMore() {
Any help appreciated!
In order for the component to re-render, I believe the best approach is to pass it the limit as a property.
I am not sure how your data load is handled, but I assume it is some type of higher-order component.
Therefore, something like the following should work:
FlowRouter.route('/books/:_booksLimit?', {
name: 'books.list',
action({_booksLimit}) {
mount(Es6MainLayout, {
content: () => (<BookSearchWrapper limit={_booksLimit} />)
If it does not, make sure that you are taking care of loading the data according to the limit