There are many questions that have been already asked on this but I think I need something more basic that could clear this concept as I am beginner in TDD. I can't go forward till then.
Could you please go through following test method and explain if I have wrong understanding:
public void ShouldSearch()
var ColumnList = new List<Column>();
The below line means that I am mocking object.
But what this It.IsAny<>()
means here?
this.ColumnServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetColumn(It.IsAny<Context>(), It.IsAny<Column>()))
var result = this.getColouminfo.GetFinalRecords(this.context, this.gridColumn);
this.ColumnServiceMock.Verify(x => x.GetColumn(It.Is<Context>(y => y == this.context),
It.Is<Column>(y => y.Id == 2)), Times.Once);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Data.Count, "Not equal");
Assert.IsTrue(result.Data.Success, "No success");
is checking that the parameter is of type T, it can be any instance of type T. It's basically saying, I don't care what you pass in here as long as it is type of T.
.Setup(x => x.GetColumn(It.IsAny<Context>(), It.IsAny<Column>()))
The above is saying whenever the GetColumn
method is called with any parameters (as long as they are type of Context
and Column
respectively), return the ColumnList
allows you to inspect what was passed in and determine if the parameter that was passed in meets your needs.
x => x.GetColumn(It.Is<Context>(y => y == this.context), It.Is<Column>(y => y.Id == 2)),
The above is asserting that the GetColumn
method was called exactly once with the Context
parameter equal to this.Context
and a Column
parameter whose Id property equals 2.
Edit: Revisiting this answer years later with some more knowledge.
x => x.GetColumn(It.Is<Context>(y => y == this.context), It.Is<Column>(y => y.Id == 2)),
can be shortened to
x => x.GetColumn(this.context, It.Is<Column>(y => y.Id == 2)),
You don't need to use It.Is to check for reference equality, you can just pass the object directly.