I've created an instance of ATriggerSphere in my game, and placed it at my character's location, like so:
//Create activate trigger radius
activateRadiusTrigger = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ATriggerSphere>(ATriggerSphere::StaticClass(),GetActorLocation(), GetActorRotation());
I need to adjust its radius now. I see that in blueprints there's a parameter under Shape that lets me change the value of "Sphere Radius", but I can't find the C++ equivalent field. Can someone tell me how that's done? Thanks!
If you look up TriggerSphere.h in the engine headers, you can find its public interface there. It looks like ATriggerSphere uses a collision component that you can get using GetCollisionComponent(). I'm going to assume this component is a USphereComponent, and you can call SetSphereRadius on that!
so try: