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How to read event viewer log in Windows XP in

I'm using the below XML Query to read system "Turn on event" from event viewer in last 24 hours.

string query = "<QueryList>" +
                "<Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"System\">" +
                "<Select Path=\"System\">*[System[(EventID=6005) and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 86400000]]]</Select>" +
                "</Query>" +

It works well on Windows 7 and above but on Windows XP, I'm getting the below error:

Error:Operation is not supported on this platform

Can someone please help in reading the Turn On event in Windows XP from event viewer in


  • Filtering by XPpath was introduced first with Vista. For XP you would have to use another implementation using EventLog class.


    EventLog aLog = new EventLog();
    aLog.Log = "Application";
    aLog.MachineName = ".";  // Local machine
    string message = "\'Service started\'";
    foreach (EventLogEntry entry in aLog.Entries)
        if (entry.Source.Equals("tvNZB")
         && entry.EntryType == EventLogEntryType.Information)
            if (entry.Message.EndsWith(message))
                //write it somewhere