I am writing my stubs in StubbyDB. And asserting the data in functional tests. This is something I am doing in my functional tests to calculate date for assertion (using joda datetime library)
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
DateTime future = now.plusMonths(6);
And this is something I am doing in my stubs;
But I am getting the difference of few days. Is this the bug or am I doing something wrong?
Consider today is "30 Sept 2016", and I add 5 months to it then
now.plusMonths(5) => 2017-02-28
{{TODAY+5m}} => 2017-03-02
As per joda-time documentation,
2007-03-31 plus one month cannot result in 2007-04-31, so the day of month is adjusted to 2007-04-30.
However StubbyDB use javascript based date calculation which adjust date 2007-04-31 to 2007-05-01.
So this is not the bug but this is how these APIs work.
Found in sample application
use {{JODA_TODAY+6m}} instead of {{TODAY+6m}}