My JBPM system uses LDAP for identity management. Since the user Administrator
and the group Administrators
are not valid in my environment, I need to set my own group BPMUL-admin
as the business administrator for all tasks. According to this answer, I added 'Human Task' work item handler to CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf:
"Log": new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler(),
"WebService": new org.jbpm.process.workitem.webservice.WebServiceWorkItemHandler(ksession),
"Rest": new,
"Service Task" : new org.jbpm.process.workitem.bpmn2.ServiceTaskHandler(ksession),
"Human Task" : new ru.rshb.kie.LeaHTWorkItemHandler(runtimeManager)
drools.workItemHandlers = CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf
And here is LeaHTWorkItemHandler:
public class LeaHTWorkItemHandler extends LocalHTWorkItemHandler {
public static final String ADMIN_GROUP = "BPMUL-admin";
public LeaHTWorkItemHandler(RuntimeManager runtimeManager){
protected Task createTaskBasedOnWorkItemParams(KieSession session, WorkItem workItem) {
InternalTask task =(InternalTask)super.createTaskBasedOnWorkItemParams(session,workItem);
Group adminGroup = TaskModelProvider.getFactory().newGroup();
((InternalOrganizationalEntity) adminGroup).setId(ADMIN_GROUP);
return task;
1. When I try to deploy this, I get an error:
Caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: [Error: no such method or function: runtimeManager] [Near : {... "Human Task" : new ru.rshb.kie.LeaHTWorkItemHandl ....}]
from the constructor, then I see that the constructor is called, but the method createTaskBasedOnWorkItemParams
is never invoked by JBPM.What am I doing wrong? Or perhaps is there a better way to define custom business administrators?
I use JBPM 6.3.
Ok, I figured it out. I removed my work item handler from CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf and added the following line before I start the process:
ksession.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("Human Task", new LeaHTWorkItemHandler(runtimeManager));