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Turn a hex string into a percent encoded string in Python

I have a string. It looks like s = 'e6b693e6a0abe699ab'.

I want to put a percent sign in front of every pair of characters, so percentEncode(s) == '%e6%b6%93%e6%a0%ab%e6%99%ab'.

What's a good way of writing percentEncode(s)?

(Note, I don't care that unreserved characters aren't converted into ASCII.)

I can think of big verbose ways of doing this, but I want something nice and simple, and while I'm fairly new to Python, I'd be suprised if Python can't do this nicely.


  • >>> ''.join( "%"+i+s[n+1] for n,i in enumerate(s)  if n%2==0 )

    Or using re

    >>> import re
    >>> re.sub("(..)","%\\1",s)