public class Player
// Fields for tracking Class, health and name
private String name;
private String playerClass;
private int health;
// Array of classes
String[] classes = {
"Warrior", "Mage", "Rogue",
"Hunter", "Druid", "Priest",
"Paladin", "Monk", "Warlock"
//Available Classes are "Warrior", "Mage", "Rogue", "Hunter", "Druid", "Priest", "Paladin", "Monk" and "Warlock"
// ##Constructor##
public Player(String setName, String setClass)
Is the beginning of my code, with the constructor of the program, how do i apply the main function to this so that I can create an executable .jar file? It's written in Bluej all within one class.
Edit - I understand i need a main function, and kind know how it works. However what do i put in the brackets of the main function in this scenario to get things rolling?
To start a stand-alone Java application, there is needed the main method with strictly predefined modifiers and paramteres:
public static void main(String[] args) {}
In the BlueJ, you can start the program by clicking the right button on the class in the diagram and selecting void main(String[] args)
or create a new instance of the class (in your case new Circle
For more information, read this article: Getting Started with BlueJ.