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getting result set into DTO with native SQL Query in Hibernate

I have a query like below

from first f
left join second s on =
left join second ss on f.sId =

If I could use HQL, I would have used HQL constructor syntax to directly populate DTO with the result set. But, since hibernate doesn't allow left join without having an association in place I have to use the Native SQL Query.

Currently I am looping through the result set in JDBC style and populating DTO objects. Is there any simpler way to achieve it?


  • You could maybe use a result transformer. Quoting Hibernate 3.2: Transformers for HQL and SQL:

    SQL Transformers

    With native sql returning non-entity beans or Map's is often more useful instead of basic Object[]. With result transformers that is now possible.

    List resultWithAliasedBean = s.createSQLQuery(
      "SELECT as studentName, co.description as courseDescription " +
      "FROM Enrolment e " +
      "INNER JOIN Student st on e.studentId=st.studentId " +
      "INNER JOIN Course co on e.courseCode=co.courseCode")
      .setResultTransformer( Transformers.aliasToBean(StudentDTO.class))
    StudentDTO dto =(StudentDTO) resultWithAliasedBean.get(0);

    Tip: the addScalar() calls were required on HSQLDB to make it match a property name since it returns column names in all uppercase (e.g. "STUDENTNAME"). This could also be solved with a custom transformer that search the property names instead of using exact match - maybe we should provide a fuzzyAliasToBean() method ;)
