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Any better way to loop through a collection (struct) in CFML?

Please have a look at the code block below:

<cfset index = 0 />
<cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
    <cfset index = index+1 />
         #key# : #anotherPerson[key]# 
         <cfif index lt ArrayLen(structKeyArray(anotherPerson))> , </cfif>

<!--- Result 

   age : 24 , haar : Blondes haar , sex : female , ort : Hanau


Now can you please tell me how could I achieve the same result without setting an index outside and incrementing it inside the loop? If you notice carefully, I had to write two more cfset tag and one cfif tag with expensive code just to avoid a comma (,) at the end of the collection!


  • Some friends provided two different solutions. Both are efficient and elegant!

    Solution 1

    <cfset isFirst = true />
    <cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
        <cfif isFirst>
            <cfset isFirst = false />
           #key# : #anotherPerson[key]# 

    Solution 2

    <cfset resultList = "" />
    <cfloop collection="#anotherPerson#" item="key" >
        <cfset resultList = ListAppend(resultList, "#key# : #anotherPerson[key]#" ) />
