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How can you generate a list of all possible significant interaction terms to be used in a GLM?

Is there a command that can return all significant interaction terms in R?

For example:

Input = c(age, gender,nationality)

output = list of significant interactions = c(age * gender, gender * nationality, age * nationality * gender)


  • Try the broom package:

    m = lm(mpg ~ am * hp * disp, data = mtcars)
    tidy.m = tidy(m)
    tidy.m$term[tidy.m$p.value < 0.05]

    Which gives you:

    [1] "(Intercept)" "am"          "am:disp"     "am:hp:disp" 

    Is that what you want?

    (This is assuming that the p value is the indicator of significance.)