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Android buildTypes for Alpha/Beta/Production apk

I want to release my apk on play store. Initially I will release it on alpha, then beta and if everything goes well I will release it on production. Can we define different api endpoint for each in buildType inside gradle. if yes then how? As I just want to change the end point of API I am calling throughout my application. Like if I release my apk on alpha the api that it points will be http://test.alpha.bla.bla

for beta: http://test.beta.bla.bla

for production: http://test.production.bla.bla.

so in this my all version of app (alpha/beta/production) will be having same version code without any need to upload new apk.



  • I assume that you mean you want 3 different build targets (and thus 3 different uploads to google play): in your build.gradle you have the android part, in there you can define productFlavors like the following:

             buildConfigField  'string', 'server','http://test.alpha.bla.bla'

    But you could also make enums and refere those (instead of the type "string" you would have to specifiy the full package name + enum type , and in the last part (the value), the full package name + enum )

    you can then reference the server by using (in java)

    BuildConfig.server; //this would be http://test.alpha.bla.bla