Im able to show a confirmation modal once route starts to change, if users selects to stay my route does not change, it stays to the original route, but loads the form directives again, which causes form to loss all its checkbox, input values. It gets reset to defaults.
If a user closes the page, i'm able to show confirmation modal, also the form state does not change. All values are retained.
Below is my code: also, please note Im also injecting a resolve for all routes by default (this Angular : How use one resolve for all the routes of my application)
After that im calling .run()
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
//isLoggedIn also check URL params
if (!Auth.isLoggedIn()) {
$window.location.href = Auth.getLoginUrl();
////unsaved modal start
if ($rootScope.unsaved) {{
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default unsaved-modal',
template: 'scripts/core/commonmodal/tplUnsavedModal.html',
controller: [function OpenDialogContainer() {
var modal = this;
modal.message = 'You have some unsaved changes. Do you want to leave this page?';
modal.stop = function () {
modal.processing = true;
modal.continue = function () {
modal.processing = true;
$rootScope.unsaved = false;
$location.path(newUrl.$$route.originalPath); //Go to page they're interested in
controllerAs: 'modal'
//prevent navigation by default since we'll handle it
//once the user selects a dialog option
Im setting $rootScope.unsaved = true
if form is NOT $pristine
and NOT $submitted
As you can see in the below gifvideo, on stay the route runs the controller function again. Instead what I wanted was a window onbeforeunload
alike effect.
I fixed it just by removing this line $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess');
also, instead I made a directive.
link: function($scope) {
var message = 'You have some unsaved changes. Do you want to leave this page?';
$window.onbeforeunload = function(){
if ($scope.unsavedChanges) {
return 'You have some unsaved changes. Do you want to leave this page?';
var $routeChangeStartUnbind = $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, newUrl) {
if ($scope.unsavedChanges) {
$rootScope.pageloaded = true;//prevent loading icon{
appendClassName: 'unsaved-modal',
template: 'scripts/core/commonmodal/tplUnsavedModal.html',
controller: [function OpenDialogContainer() {
var modal = this;
modal.message = message;
modal.stop = function () {
modal.processing = true;
modal.continue = function () {
modal.processing = true;
$location.path(newUrl.$$route.originalPath); //Go to page they're interested in
$rootScope.pageloaded = false;
$scope.unsavedChanges = false;
$window.location.reload();//$route.reload() does not reload services
controllerAs: 'modal'
//prevent navigation by default since we'll handle it
//once the user selects a dialog option
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;