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How do we convert time in unix timestamp to string with radix 32 in MySQL

I want to convert the current time in unix timestamp to a string with radix 32 in MySQL

It can be achieved in JavaScript with the code below

'm' + prefix + + suffix

Sample SQL to give the idea (working incorrectly )

SET prefix = 'order'
SET suffix = 19;
SELECT 'm' + prefix + CONV( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 10, 32 ) + suffix AS   result


  • + is considered an arithmetic operator in MySQL.

    You need to use CONCAT function to concatenate multiple strings like below:

    SELECT CONCAT('m' , prefix , CONV( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 10, 32 ) , suffix) AS   result

    Note: UNIX_TIMESTAMP() and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) would return same value.


    SET @prefix := 'PRE';
    SET @suffix := 'SUF';
    SELECT CONCAT('m' , @prefix , CONV( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 10, 32 ) , @suffix) AS   result

    Output: mPRE1BSVENHSUF

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