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Breezejs, angular 2 and OData

I couldn't figure out what is correct way to make angular 2, BreezeJs and OData to work together

I followed instructions from this npm package:

Also I added link to the OData library.

and my code for initializing OData adapter look like this:

config.initializeAdapterInstance('dataService', 'webApiOData', true);
    this._em = new EntityManager('http://localhost:7248/api');    
    this._em.fetchMetadata((schema) => {
      console.log('schema', schema);
      var collectionPointType = this._em.metadataStore.getEntityType("ClientBrowse");
      (<any>collectionPointType).setProperties({ autoGeneratedKeyType: AutoGeneratedKeyType.Identity });

but unfortunally it didn't work.

What I have found is that breezejs is trying to resolve library OData in function __requireLibCore(libName), it looks in global.window but this variable is undefined.

I'm not sure how does global.window initialize, but seems it should be link to global window object. I guess because of some angular 2 isolation it doesn't have direct access to window.

How can I overcome this problem? For sure one of the solution is make monkey patch but I'm doubt it is way to go.


  • You are missing the datajs dependency. The Breeze OData adapters require datajs.

    npm install datajs --save

    Then add it to your systemjs.config.js

    map: { ... 'datajs': 'npm:datajs' }, packages: { ... 'datajs': { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' } }

    Then import it in your application, so it gets loaded.

    import { config } from 'breeze-client'; import 'datajs';