OK so this might seem like a stupid question but how does a Vaadin UI work?
What I mean here is: How can I reach the ui from a servlet, for example (since it is not just a html page, nor a class I can instantiate)
My problem is this: I followed this tutorial to make a vaadin ui and deploy it to GAE, except when I get to the webpage I reach the list of active servlets and from there I can send requests to the servlets. But nowhere can i find the UI I made (in the MyUI.java file), whis is pretty much the reason I have to use Vaadin.
I am probably missing something fundamental as this is the first web application I ever made, but i've been searching for 2 days and have yet to find an answer.
So the issue I had actually was that the default eclipse project had an index.html page, which was displayed instead of the UI upon loading the application.
Deleting the Index.html page does the trick. That or editing the web.xml page so that the UI is not at the root url, to avoid a conflict.