In my ApplicationContext I have several Beans being created the same style. So I have a lot of dublicated code writing a FactoryBean
for each of this beans. Those beans have a common ground, implementing all one special interface.
I would like to move all that bean creation to one factory. That one would have to provide a methode like this
<T extends CommonInterface> T createInstance(Class<T> clazz);
There I could implement all the instantiation necessary to create one of my special beans.
My implementation would be called by spring for
private MyCommonInterfaceImplementation impl;
in that way
So far I looked at BeanFactory
and FactoryBean
, both seem not to be I'm searching for.
Any suggestions?
why not use @bean
public MyCommonInterfaceImplementation getMyCommonInterfaceImplementation(){
return MyBeanFactory.createInstance(MyCommonInterfaceImplementation.class);
//should autowire here
private MyCommonInterfaceImplementation impl;