I am testing SonarQube and this code exists in the test project:
public class Widgetor
internal static int SelectValue(int ret)
case 0: return 1;
case 4: return 7;
case -1: return 2;
case 2: return -1;
default: return 0;
internal static int SelectValue_Copy(int ret)
switch (ret)
case 0: return 1;
case 4: return 7;
case -1: return 2;
case 2: return -1;
default: return 0;
I am Running SonarQube Version 5.6 with MSBuild Runner and MSBuil 14.
I can not find any help on how to configure my project for code dublication detection. as far as I know this should be part of it out of the box. The Project overview shows "0%" duplicated code.
I found this answer which does not really tell me anything.
SonarQube Duplications documentation gives a good insight:
A piece of code is considered duplicated as soon as there are at least 100 successive and duplicated tokens (can be overridden with property sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumTokens) spread on at least 10 lines of code (can be overridden with property sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumLines).
Accordingly, adding a couple more case to your example does trigger duplication detection.