I'm trying to learn rspec and have ran into a problem, I'm trying to test the uniqueness validation on one of my models, but the test keeps failing even though I'm pretty sure it should pass.
Here is my test:
context "two products with the same title" do
Given{FactoryGirl.build(:product, title: "Hello test title")}
Given(:post2){FactoryGirl.build(:product, title: "Hello test title")}
and here is my validator:
validates :title, uniqueness: true
however when I run the test it comes back failed and I'm not sure why?
any help would be great!
You need to add uniqueness validation on title
validates :title, uniqueness: true
And also you have to create
first product
not just build
context "two products with the same title" do
Given{FactoryGirl.create(:product, title: "Hello test title")}
Given(:post2){FactoryGirl.build(:product, title: "Hello test title")}
This will create one product with title = "Hello test title"
And for second product with same title
product will be invalid