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Map with fat arrow vs colon (Poison - json decode)

ab = %{a: 1}
ac = %{"a" => 1}

What exactly is the difference? And why does Poison.decode! return format #2 (I need #1 to use with Ecto.Changeset.change).

Json response is taken from API and looks like



  • ab = %{a: 1} # atom key you can access it like ab.a
    ac = %{"a" => 1} # string key you can access it ac["a"]

    Poison.decode! return format #2:

    Data which comes from outside your application, broadly speaking, can’t be trusted. Given that atom allocation can lead to memory exhaustion in a long-running Erlang system, using atoms for external data opens up your app for a potential denial of service (DoS) attack.

    This fact is reflected in many Elixir libraries, for example the popular JSON parser Poison. Well-behaved libraries will generally use strings as map keys when converting external data into an internal data structure

    If you want to convert map keys from string to atom.You can do:

    iex> maps = %{"foo" => "bar"}
    %{"foo" => "bar"}
    iex> for {key, val} <- maps, into: %{}, do: {String.to_atom(key), val}
    %{foo: "bar"}