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Creating Graph in Graphx using pair RDD

I have a pair RDD and want to construct a GraphX Graph using it. I want to have weighted edges i.e. if one edge appears 3 times in the pair RDD I want the edge weight to be 3.

take(1) from the RDD looks like this:

res2: Array[(String, String)] = Array((905067378709,905458844980))


  • Solution for directed Graph

    Let's suppose you have the follow pair RDD containg the edges:

    val data: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(
        ("905067378709", "905458844980"),
        ("905067378709", "905458844980"),
        ("905458844980", "905067378709"),
        ("905067378709", "905458844980"),
        ("905458844982", "905458844984"),
        ("905067378709", "905458844984"),
        ("905067378712", "905067378709")))

    create the follow RDD[(VertexId, VertexId)]:

    val edgesRDD: RDD[(VertexId, VertexId)] = { case (a, b) => (a.toLong, b.toLong) }

    and then create the Graph with the function Graph.fromEdgeTuples. This function allows creating a graph from only an RDD of edge tuples, assigning the edges the value 1, and automatically creating any vertices mentioned by edges and assigning them the default value.

    val graph = Graph.fromEdgeTuples(edgesRDD, 1)
    // to print 
    val vert: VertexRDD[Int] = graph.vertices
    vert.foreach { println }
    val edg: EdgeRDD[Int] = graph.edges
    edg.foreach { println }

    Now we can calculate the weight of duplicates edges:

    val subgraph = graph.partitionBy(PartitionStrategy.CanonicalRandomVertexCut)
    .groupEdges((a, b) => a + b)
    // To print
    val vert2: VertexRDD[Int] = subgraph.vertices
    vert2.foreach { println }
    val edg2: EdgeRDD[Int] = subgraph.edges
    edg2.foreach { println }

    The result is:



    Edge(905067378709,905458844980,3) the edge occurred 3 times

