So I watched a little intro course on youtube to learn the basics of OpenGL and learnt things like making a triangle and a simple camera class, etc. I've wanted to try and work towards making a voxel engine so obviously the first thing that I thought to make was a simple cube that I could eventually replicate. My problem is though that when I go to render the vertices and triangles they seem to be in a mess that doesn't resemble what I hard coded in the cube class. I know that 0,0 is the centre of the screen; 1 in the x axis is the right; -1 is the left; 1 in the y axis is the top and -1 is the bottom. Yet when I send through my vertices and triangles to the vertex buffer it seems to be doing something completely different. It's most likely a really stupid mistake on my part.
m_vertices[0] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0));
m_vertices[1] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0));
m_vertices[2] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0));
m_vertices[3] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, -0.5, 0));
m_vertices[4] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 1));
m_vertices[5] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 1));
m_vertices[6] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1));
m_vertices[7] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, -0.5, 1));
m_triangles[0] = Triangle(0, 1, 2); //Front
//m_triangles[1] = Triangle(0, 2, 3); //Front
//m_triangles[2] = Triangle(1, 5, 6); //Top
//m_triangles[3] = Triangle(1, 6, 2); //Top
//m_triangles[4] = Triangle(3, 5, 4); //Left
//m_triangles[5] = Triangle(3, 5, 4); //Left
//m_triangles[6] = Triangle(3, 2, 7); //Right
//m_triangles[7] = Triangle(3, 3, 7); //Right
//m_triangles[8] = Triangle(7, 6, 4); //Back
//m_triangles[9] = Triangle(5, 6, 7); //Back
//m_triangles[10] = Triangle(0, 4, 7); //Bottom
//m_triangles[11] = Triangle(0, 3, 7); //Bottom
void Cube::Render()
Draw(m_vertices, sizeof(m_vertices) / sizeof(m_vertices[0]), m_triangles, (sizeof(m_triangles) / sizeof(m_triangles[0])));
The draw function inherited from my mesh class
void Mesh::Draw(Vertex* vertices, unsigned int numVertices, Triangle* triangles, unsigned int numTriangles)
//Array of indices
std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
//How many vertices to draw
m_drawCount = indices.size();
//Generate and bind vertex array
glGenVertexArrays(1, &m_vertexArrayObject);
//Generate and bind buffers
glGenBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, m_vertexArrayBuffers);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vertexArrayBuffers[POSITION_VB]);
//Write vertex data to the buffer
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, numVertices * sizeof(vertices[0]), &vertices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
//Only one attribute for the vertex data
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_vertexArrayBuffers[INDEX_VB]);
//Write vertex data to the buffer
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(indices[0]) * indices.size(), &indices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
//Unbind vertex array
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_drawCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
Vertex and Triangle structs in mesh.h
struct Vertex
Vertex(const glm::vec3& pos)
//Set vertex position
this->m_pos = pos;
//Vertex position
glm::vec3 m_pos;
struct Triangle
Triangle(int point1, int point2, int point3)
SetTriangle(point1, point2, point3);
int* GetTriangle()
return m_points;
void SetTriangle(int point1, int point2, int point3)
m_points[0] = point1;
m_points[1] = point2;
m_points[2] = point3;
int m_points[3];
Camera functions
Camera::Camera(const glm::vec3 pos, float fov, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
m_perspectiveMatrix = glm::perspective(fov, aspect, zNear, zFar);
m_pos = pos;
m_forward = glm::vec3(0, 0, 1);
m_up = glm::vec3(0, 1, 0);
glm::mat4 Camera::GetViewProjection() const
return m_perspectiveMatrix * glm::lookAt(m_pos, m_pos + m_forward, m_up);
Note that in the cube constructor I'm only creating one triangle which should be bottom left, top left, top right yet this is the result:
Another note is that my camera rotation seems to be off as well. Changing the y rotation actually rotates it on the x axis and the changing the x rotation rotates on the y axis.
Also if anyone had a better way of creating and rendering the cube I would be grateful. Once I can do that I'll most likely look into letsmakeavoxelengine tutorials.
Edit: It feels like the x and y axis are inverted. I could just invert all my functions to counter that but that's kind of a hacky way around it and it still doesn't fix the underlying issue which could cause more trouble later on.
Edit2: Transform.h
#pragma once
#include <glm\glm.hpp>
#include <glm\gtx\transform.hpp>
#include "Camera.h"
struct Transform
Transform(const glm::vec3& pos = glm::vec3(), const glm::vec3& rot = glm::vec3(), const glm::vec3& scale = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
this->m_pos = pos;
this->m_rot = rot;
this->m_scale = scale;
//Get the model matrix
inline glm::mat4 GetModelMatrix() const
//Create all the transform matrices
//Position matrix
glm::mat4 posMatrix = glm::translate(m_pos);
//Scale matrix
glm::mat4 scaleMatrix = glm::scale(m_scale);
//Rotation matrix X
glm::mat4 rotXMatrix = glm::rotate(m_rot.x, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
//Rotation matrix Y
glm::mat4 rotYMatrix = glm::rotate(m_rot.y, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
//Rotation matrix Z
glm::mat4 rotZMatrix = glm::rotate(m_rot.z, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
//Combined rotation matrix
glm::mat4 rotMatrix = rotXMatrix * rotYMatrix * rotZMatrix;
return posMatrix * rotMatrix * scaleMatrix;
inline glm::mat4 GetMVP(const Camera& camera) const
glm::mat4 ViewProjection = camera.GetViewProjection();
glm::mat4 ModelMatrix = GetModelMatrix();
return ViewProjection * ModelMatrix;//camera.GetViewProjection() * GetModel();
//Get position
inline glm::vec3* GetPosition() { return &m_pos; }
//Get rotation
inline glm::vec3* GetRotation() { return &m_rot; }
//Get scale
inline glm::vec3* GetScale() { return &m_scale; }
//Set Position
inline void SetPosition(const glm::vec3& pos) { this->m_pos = pos; }
//Set Rotation
inline void SetRotation(const glm::vec3& rot) { this->m_rot = rot; }
//Set Scale
inline void SetScale(const glm::vec3& scale) { this->m_scale = scale; }
//Transform position
glm::vec3 m_pos;
//Transform rotation
glm::vec3 m_rot;
//Transform scale
glm::vec3 m_scale;
Cube, Transform and Camera calls in main.cpp:
Cube cube;
Transform transform;
Camera camera(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f), 70.0f, (float)display.GetWidth()/(float)display.GetHeight(), 0.01f, 100.0f);
Edit3: 100% inverted on X Axis. New cube.cpp code:
m_vertices[0] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 0)); //BottomLeftFront
m_vertices[1] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 0)); //TopLeftFront
m_vertices[2] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0)); //TopRightFront
m_vertices[3] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, -0.5, 0)); //BottomRightFront
m_vertices[4] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, -0.5, 1)); //BottomLeftBack
m_vertices[5] = Vertex(glm::vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 1)); //TopLeftBack
m_vertices[6] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1)); //TopRightBack
m_vertices[7] = Vertex(glm::vec3(0.5, -0.5, 1)); //BottomRightBack
m_triangles[0] = Triangle(0, 1, 2); //Front
m_triangles[1] = Triangle(0, 2, 3); //Front
//m_triangles[2] = Triangle(1, 5, 6); //Top
//m_triangles[3] = Triangle(1, 6, 2); //Top
m_triangles[4] = Triangle(3, 5, 4); //Left //BottomLeftFront, TopRightBack, BottomRightBack
//m_triangles[5] = Triangle(3, 5, 4); //Left
//m_triangles[6] = Triangle(3, 2, 7); //Right
//m_triangles[7] = Triangle(3, 3, 7); //Right
//m_triangles[8] = Triangle(7, 6, 4); //Back
//m_triangles[9] = Triangle(5, 6, 7); //Back
//m_triangles[10] = Triangle(0, 4, 7); //Bottom
//m_triangles[11] = Triangle(0, 3, 7); //Bottom
I've put a comment next to the new triangle that tells you what the actual resulting triangle points were. The triangle that I set should have been BottomRightFront, TopLeftBack, BottomLeftBack according to the code. I'll also add a screenshot of what it looks like.
Your description of the X and Y axes sounds right, but the Z axis seems to be reversed. For example, in the code you posted there's a variable m_forward
whose value is (0, 0, 1); that could be right, but I usually call that direction "backwards".
Conventionally, OpenGL programs use a right-handed coordinate system, so if X points right and Y points up then Z points out of the screen, towards the eye. If you keep that in mind and review your code, checking the sign of the Z component of each position and direction vector, you should find the mistake(s). Good luck!