I have run google closure compiler for next:
alert(1 / 0);
with command:
java -jar node_modules\google-closure-compiler\compiler.jar --warning_level=VERBOSE test.js
and it does not report anything. I expected it says something about devide-by-zero because the reference(https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/error-ref) mentions about
:Divide by 0
This error means that you an arithmetical division expression with a denominator of 0. Dividing by zero at runtime produces a runtime error.
I've also tested the example code for JSC_BITWISE_OPERAND_OUT_OF_RANGE
var y = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2 >> 2;
and in this case, google closure compiler exactly point out the problem.
test.js:2: WARNING - Operand out of range, bitwise operation will lose information: NUMBER 2.147483648E9 2 [length: 22] [source_file: test.js]
var y = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2 >> 2;
for the top source code?
error no longer exists in the compiler source code, you can search for it at https://github.com/google/closure-compiler. So that error check must have been removed.
The Closure Compiler documentation is currently a bit out of date and scattered among various pages.