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Pagination using Meteor Pages

I am trying to implement pagination using Meteor Pages in a template displaying all online users in my app.

Pages = new Meteor.Pagination(Meteor.users, { itemTemplate: "Item", auth: function(skip, sub){ var _filters = {'' : true}; var _options = {sort: {name: 1}}; return [_filters, _options]; }, availableSettings: { perPage: true, sort: true, filters:true }, perPage : 20, route: "/onlineusers/", router: "iron-router", routerTemplate: "onlineusers", templateName: "onlineusers", });

I am able to display all online users in my template using the above code block. Now, I want to filter the results further with parameters like age gender and country as provided from the client. How can I use filters to further modify the results at the client. Thanks in advance...


  • Referring to the documentation, you can pass a MongoDB find query object to the use the 'filters' property in your settings object.

    For example:

     Pages = new Meteor.Pagination(Meteor.users, {
     filters: {
       <name>: {
         $eq: <value>