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Detect tokens triggering rules in ANTLR4

I have this very simple grammar:

grammar DLR;
dlr : c 'sub' c ;
c  : CN | 'not' c | c 'and' c | c 'or' c ;
CN : [A-Z]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines

When I generate the java code with antlr4 command, I got the java interface DLRBaseListener:

public class DLRBaseListener implements DLRListener {

@Override public void enterDlr(DLRParser.DlrContext ctx) { }

@Override public void exitDlr(DLRParser.DlrContext ctx) { }

@Override public void enterC(DLRParser.CContext ctx) { }

@Override public void exitC(DLRParser.CContext ctx) { }

@Override public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { }

@Override public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { }

@Override public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) { }

@Override public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) { }


It is possible to extend this interface especially if you want to detect when a rule is triggered. Therefore, methods like enterDlr, exitDlr, enterC and exitC are very useful. My goal is more specific: I want to detect the tokens responsible for triggering that rule. In my example are 'not' c, c 'and' c, c 'or' c. As you can see, there are no methods for these ones in the interface. Is there a way to detect those parts of the grammar?


  • ANTLR4 provides "alternate labeling" (TDAR pg 117, 261) to achieve this function:

    c  : CN          # justCN 
       | 'not' c     # notC
       | c 'and' c   # andC 
       | c 'or' c    # orC

    The tool will generate separate parser contexts (subclasses of the rule context in Java) for each of the labeled alternatives, with names based on the label names. And, corresponding enter/exit listener methods.