I'm trying to write a function that returns the position of a tile on a tileset.
I wrote some code for that but that seems unnecessarily complicated.
how each tile has a number:
// My old code:
function getXPosByNumber(width, height, tilesize, tilenumber) {
if ((tilenumber % (width / tilesize) - 1) < 0) {
return width - tilesize;
} else {
return (tilenumber % (width / tilesize) - 1) * tilesize;
function getYPosByNumber(width, height, tilesize, tilenumber) {
return (Math.ceil(tilenumber / (width / tilesize)) - 1) * tilesize;
How can I access any tile coordonates with a cleaner/simpler code ?
Here's what I figured out to simplify. I found that height isn't so relevant to calculate either X or Y. The important factor here is how much it spreads horizontally.
Then, since a specific tileset will more likely always have the same width and tilesize, I suggest a more "Object"-ified approach so you don't have to constantly remember its configuration. Personally, I like to wrap constants and configurations so I can write lightweight code afterwards:
var tileset = function(width, tilesize) {
this.width = width;
this.tilesize = tilesize;
// calculate X by tilenumber
tileset.prototype.getX = function(tilenumber) {
return (tilenumber % this.width - 1) * this.tilesize;
// calculate Y by tilenumber
tileset.prototype.getY = function(tilenumber) {
return Math.floor(tilenumber / this.width) * this.tilesize;
That allows you to use it like this:
var mySet = new tileset(6, 10); // width=6, tilesize=10
var x = mySet.getX(16); // tilenumber=16
var y = mySet.getY(16); // tilenumber=16
To see it in action, check this FIDDLE.
Please note that it calculates the position of top left corner. It can be adjusted otherwise if needed.
Hope this helps!