I have an external library which is not an spring application. It defines few Aspectj functions/PointCuts but it is not getting called when i am using this library in an spring boot application. When i define the pointcuts in spring boot application itself it is working fine. I guess something is wrong with my configuration like @EnableAspectJAutoProxy not working or something.
Code of service-:
public class LtRequest {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
public LtRequest() {
restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.setErrorHandler( new LtResponseErrorHandler());
public Object request(String url, LtRequestType type, Class clz){
return null;
public RestResponseDTO getObject(String url,Class clz){
RestResponseDTO restResponseDTO =restTemplate.getForObject(url,RestResponseDTO.class);
return restResponseDTO;
private void postObject(String url,Object obj){
RestResponseDTO restResponseDTO =restTemplate.postForObject(url,obj,RestResponseDTO.class);
Code of aspectj pointcut
public class ParseRequestAspect {
static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ParseRequestAspect.class);
@Around("execution(* com.limetray.helper.utils.LtRequest.getObject(..))")
public Object parseRequestAfterReturn(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
logger.info("calling after return aspect function..");
RestResponseDTO response = (RestResponseDTO) joinPoint.proceed();
return response.getResult();
catch (Throwable e){
throw new LtException("Exception occured while parsing request response..");
@After("execution(* com.limetray.helper.utils.LtRequest.getObject(..))")
public void parseRequestAfterReturn(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
logger.info("calling after return aspect function..new");
/*RestResponseDTO response = (RestResponseDTO) joinPoint.proceed();
return response.getResult();*/
catch (Throwable e){
throw new LtException("Exception occured while parsing request response..");
Both of these classes are in my external library but its not working as expected. Please help.
If you want to use native AspectJ aspects from within a Spring application and not proxy-based Spring AOP, you need to configure your application to use LTW (load-time weaving) via @EnableLoadTimeWeaving
or <context:load-time-weaver/>
, respectively. See the Spring manual for more information.