I am setting Fontawesome
Icon codes in SELECT
box and accessing on change
event. On accessing I am getting error:
Invalid Unicode escape sequence
Code given below:
<select name="faicons" id="faicons" class="form-control selectpicker">
<option value="0">Select</option>
<option value="uF26E" class="fa fa-500px"> 500px</option>
<option value="uF26E" class="fa fa-linkedin"> LinkedIn</option>
function renderIcon(code) {
var context = null;
code = "F26E"
var icon_code = "\u"+code;
context = main_canvas.getContext('2d');
context.font='32px FontAwesome';
context.fillText("My TEXT!", 140, 90);
Unicode escape sequences are only recognized if they're fully contained in a single string literal. Concatenating parts of an escape sequence won't work. To create a character string from a code point dynamically, try String.fromCodePoint. This function takes the code point as a number, not a string though.
// works
// doesn't work
try {
eval('console.log("\\u" + "0041");');
catch (e) {
// works, but takes a number
// works, but not recommended
console.log(eval("'\\u" + "0041" + "'"));
// works with a string
console.log(String.fromCodePoint(parseInt("0041", 16)));