Is is possible to check if process terminated?
I don't want to call .wait()
, because it's blocking, and I want to manage a timeout, after which I will terminate the process.
Now I have the following code:
child c = launch(exec, args, ctx);
auto timeout = boost::posix_time::seconds(3);
but it does not wait for termination and does not check if process temrinated gracefully.
That's not in boost.process 0.5 (in 0.6 it is) so you'd need to implement it yourself. That can be done like this:
#if defined (BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
template<typename Child>
inline bool is_running(const Child &p, int & exit_code)
DWORD code;
//single value, not needed in the winapi.
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(p.proc_info.hProcess, &code))
throw runtime_error("GetExitCodeProcess() failed");
if (code == 259) //arbitrary windows constant
return true;
exit_code = code;
return false;
#elif defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
tempalte<typename Child>
inline bool is_running(const Child&p, int & exit_code)
int status;
auto ret = ::waitpid(, &status, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED);
if (ret == -1)
if (errno != ECHILD) //because it no child is running, than this one isn't either, obviously.
throw std::runtime_error("is_running error");
return false;
else if (ret == 0)
return true;
else //exited
if (WIFEXITED(status))
exit_code = status;
return false;
Or just use boost.process 0.6, if you have C++11 available.