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Open Bootstrap modal on Griddle customComponent click

I successfully use export default React.createClass to handle a Boostrap Modal and a Griddle table.

Now I want to open the Modal when a user clicks on a specific column of Griddle. This is done by using a custom component that handles the click code/event. But since the custom component is defined as a new different class var editData = React.createClass I cannot access the state of the main class to open the modal.

How should I proceed? Here down the code, I DO NOT KNOW is the part I'm missing.

Thanks Karl

var editData = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div onClick={I DO NOT KNOW}> 
                Edit row data for id {}

var columns = ["id", "name", "edit"]

var columnMeta = [{
    columnName: "edit",
    customComponent: editData

export default React.createClass({

    close() {this.setState({ showModal: false })},

    open() {this.setState({ showModal: true })},    

    render() {
        return (<div>
        <Modal show={this.state.showModal} onHide={this.close}>
        <Modal.Header closeButton>
        <Modal.Title>Modal heading</Modal.Title>
        Text in a modal

        <Griddle columns={columns} columnMetadata={columnMeta} />



  • Solved by passing a function in the props. Here down what I've done.

    var editData = React.createClass({
            this.props.metadata.onChange("your value here")
        render: function() {
            return (
                <div onClick={this.handleChange}> 
                    Edit row data for id {}
    var columns = ["id", "name", "edit"]
    export default React.createClass({
        close() {this.setState({ showModal: false })},
        open() {this.setState({ showModal: true })},    
        render() {
            var columnMeta = [{
                columnName: "edit",
                customComponent: editData,
                onChange: this.handleChange
            return (<div>
            <Griddle columns={columns} columnMetadata={columnMeta} />