I have installed tinymce as package in my project using this tutorial.
I'm trying to import
tinymce into my project. It does something (hides my textarea
, expected behaviour) when I call init()
, but it does not show me the wysiwyg editor.
If I include the url in my html file it works, but that's not what I want, because I don't include my custom component every time the page gets loaded. The script tag would be overkill for some users.
I want to import tinymce like this (or simular):
import 'tinymce';
and use it like this:
selector: "#mytextarea"
This does not give me any error, and it hides the textarea, but it does not build a wysiwyg editor.
The only thing working so far:
<script src="/path/to/tinymce.min.js"></script>
I prefer not to edit the JavaScript file, because that would break on updates. If it is the only way though, I'll simply have to.
How can I import the library into my ES6 module?
You can follow the steps mentioned in the below link
But still you may need to do some css changes because skins were not loaded.
Run npm i url-loader --save
In webpack config file add this { loader: 'url-loader?limit=100000', test: /.(png|woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg|gif)$/ }