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Bundle-Classpath jars not put into on PDE launch

I have an eclipse plugin project that requires a lot of external jar file dependencies. The plugin places these on the Bundle-Classpath and includes them in the plugin when built through If you export the plugin and run it through eclipse, everything works fine. When running through the launch configuration (ie: debugging), none of the extra jars are added to the classpath. Only class files from the source of the plugin are put on the classpath.

To show this easier, I put together a small dummy application.

Contents of Manifest.MF:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Test-pde-project
Bundle-SymbolicName: test-pde-project
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,
Bundle-ClassPath: plugin-out.jar,

Contents of

source.plugin-out.jar = src/
output.. = bin/
bin.includes = META-INF/,\

As you can see, plugin-out.jar contains the class files from my compiled plugin. The dummy.jar is a sample jar file that should be included with this plugin when running it. I would expect to see both of these in when the PDE launches eclipse with this plugin. What actually happens though is this is the one that is generated:

#Wed Oct 06 10:11:09 ADT 2010

Why is lib/dummy.jar not getting added to I did some reading around and my understanding is that it should be there? Can anyone tell me how I can get dummy.jar to be added to the runtime when running through the launch configuration?


  • I did some digging into the Eclipse PDE code to see if I could see what the problem was here that caused my issue. What I found seems to be a bug in how the classpath is determined. I created a bug at eclipse for this issue and also proceeded to create a patch that resolves the issue. Hopefully it will get accepted and be fixed in a future release.

    If anyone else has this issue, consider using the patch attached to the bug here: