I have a Swift program that logs info to the stdout
while waiting for a \n
(that terminates the execution). It requests the input immediately after start running and logs info 1~2 seconds after:
fetchAndLogDataInBackground(); // will print some data in ~1 sec
I'm spawn
ing it with the following:
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const process = spawn('swift/main');
process.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data.toString()));
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
I was expecting to see the logs "live" since I'm using on('data')
, but they are only being processed after the process.stdin.write('\n');
There's any way to get the data "live"?
PS: if I run the Swift program in terminal (swift/main
), it works as expected.
You may have to either disable stdout buffering or manually flush stdout in Swift.
To manually flush:
To disable output buffering:
setbuf(__stdoutp, nil);