I have a set of search criterias in this form:
member | value | operator
height | 10 | >
height | 2 | <
name | Carl | ==
And I want to query all the objects that match any of these criterias.
Right now, I'm doing it by:
Do you know a easiest way to filter dinamycally an IQueryable collection using consecutive OR?
Based on IlyaBuiluk solution @ CodeProject
// The structure used by the new extension method
public struct SearchCriteria
public string Column;
public object Value;
public WhereOperation Operation;
// How to convert the rules structure to the search criteria structure
var searchCriterias = grid.Where.rules.Select(Rule => new SearchCriteria
Column = Rule.field,
Operation =
typeof (WhereOperation),
Value = Rule.data
// Usage:
query = query.WhereOr(searchCriterias);
// Implementation
public static IQueryable<T> WhereOr<T>( this IQueryable<T> Query, SearchCriteria [ ] Criterias )
if( Criterias.Count( ) == 0 )
return Query;
LambdaExpression lambda;
Expression resultCondition = null;
// Create a member expression pointing to given column
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter( Query.ElementType, "p" );
foreach( var searchCriteria in Criterias )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( searchCriteria.Column ) )
MemberExpression memberAccess = null;
foreach( var property in searchCriteria.Column.Split( '.' ) )
memberAccess = MemberExpression.Property
( memberAccess ?? ( parameter as Expression ), property );
// Change the type of the parameter 'value'. it is necessary for comparisons (specially for booleans)
ConstantExpression filter = Expression.Constant
Convert.ChangeType( searchCriteria.Value, memberAccess.Type )
//switch operation
Expression condition = null;
switch( searchCriteria.Operation )
//equal ==
case WhereOperation.Equal:
condition = Expression.Equal( memberAccess, filter );
//not equal !=
case WhereOperation.NotEqual:
condition = Expression.NotEqual( memberAccess, filter );
// Greater
case WhereOperation.Greater:
condition = Expression.GreaterThan( memberAccess, filter );
// Greater or equal
case WhereOperation.GreaterOrEqual:
condition = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual( memberAccess, filter );
// Less
case WhereOperation.Less:
condition = Expression.LessThan( memberAccess, filter );
// Less or equal
case WhereOperation.LessEqual:
condition = Expression.LessThanOrEqual( memberAccess, filter );
case WhereOperation.Contains:
condition = Expression.Call( memberAccess,
typeof( string ).GetMethod( "Contains" ),
Expression.Constant( searchCriteria.Value ) );
resultCondition = resultCondition != null ? Expression.Or( resultCondition, condition ): condition;
lambda = Expression.Lambda( resultCondition, parameter );
MethodCallExpression result = Expression.Call(
typeof( Queryable ), "Where",
new [ ] { Query.ElementType },
lambda );
return Query.Provider.CreateQuery<T>( result );
In terms of performance and ease of implementation how is this a better approach than using the Dynamic Query Library? I believe this way you have better control over the SQL output of your expression trees.
By Raúl Roa