For logging purpose, I've created a wrapper function for an element functions properties. The wrapper function is above:
functionsWrapper: function () {
for (i = 0, args = new Array(arguments.length); i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
console.log('call for ' + + ' with params ' + argumantsLog(args));
return this['original' +].apply(this, args);
And then I'm using this code to wrap the element function:
logFunctionsCalls: function (element) {
if (!element)
if (element.children && element.children.length)
for (var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++)
if (!element.functionsLogged) {
element.functionsLogged = true;
for (var property in element) {
if (typeof element[property] != 'function')
element['original' + property] = element[property];
element[property] = functionsWrapper;
My problem is that the arguments.callee
contains the functionsWrapper
code without the property name of the called function.
You cannot use the same functionWrapper
everywhere - there's no way to find out as which property it was called. Instead, created different wrappers and keep the original in closure.
for (var p in element) (function(property) {
if (typeof element[property] != 'function')
var original = element[property];
element[property] = function wrapped() {
console.log('call for ' + property + ' with params ' +;
return original.apply(this, arguments);