I am using dplyr to create an object that I then use xlsx to write out to a spreadhseet.
I run the following code:
provFundedProp <- compensationBase2014 %>%
group_by(provinciallyFunded) %>%
summarise(total=sum(fundingRaw)) %>%
mutate(percent = paste0(round(100 * total/sum(total),1), "%"))
Which I then write to the first sheet:
write.xlsx(provFundedProp, file="output/provFundedProp.xlsx",
This works fine and gives me the file I need.
I then run the following code going down a level:
provFundedServiceDivision <- compensationBase2014 %>%
group_by(serviceDivision,provinciallyFunded) %>%
summarise(total=sum(fundingRaw)) %>%
mutate(percent = paste0(round(100 * total/sum(total),1), "%"))
#write to second sheet
write.xlsx(provFundedServiceDivision, file="output/provFundedSD.xlsx",
Which gives me the following error:
Error: cannot convert object to a data frame
I am going crazy here. Does anyone have any idea what the heck is going on? I have tried this with multiple wueries and I have no idea what is up.
class(provFundedServiceDivision) [1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df" "tbl"
Classes ‘grouped_df’, ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 6 obs. of 4
$ serviceDivision : chr "AS" "AS" "CLS" "CLS" ...
$ provinciallyFunded: chr "NPF" "PF" "NPF" "PF" ...
$ total : num 1.90e+06 3.97e+07 2.93e+07 5.70e+08 9.55e+07 ...
$ percent : chr "4.6%" "95.4%" "4.9%" "95.1%" ...
- attr(*, "vars")=List of 1
..$ : symbol serviceDivision
- attr(*, "labels")='data.frame': 3 obs. of 1 variable:
..$ serviceDivision: chr "AS" "CLS" "GS"
..- attr(*, "vars")=List of 1
.. ..$ : symbol serviceDivision
..- attr(*, "drop")= logi TRUE
- attr(*, "indices")=List of 3
..$ : int 0 1
..$ : int 2 3
..$ : int 4 5
- attr(*, "drop")= logi TRUE
- attr(*, "group_sizes")= int 2 2 2
- attr(*, "biggest_group_size")= int 2
> traceback()
7: stop(list(message = "cannot convert object to a data frame",
call = NULL, cppstack = NULL))
6: .Call("dplyr_cbind_all", PACKAGE = "dplyr", dots)
5: cbind_all(x)
4: bind_cols(...)
3: cbind(deparse.level, ...)
2: cbind(rownames = rownames(x), x)
1: write.xlsx(provFundedServiceDivision, file = "output/provFundedSD.xlsx",
sheetName = "provFundingSD")
eipi10 saved the day with his solution! I used the following code and everything worked fine:
file="output/provFundedSD.xlsx", sheetName="provFundingSD")
thanks to everyone for reading and helping me out. This is my first question on stack overflow. Cheers!