I have a form which i'd like to simplify. I'm recording a startdate and an enddate, but would like to show the user only a startdate and then a drop down with number of days.
But I'm having problems with my model and storing it correctly.
The first part works.
def date=(thedate)
#puts the startdate in the correct format...
self.startdate = Date.strptime(thedate, '%m/%d/%Y')
The problem I have has to do with the fact that the end date is based on the startdate + the no_days which is itself a virtual attribute. I tried doing the second part as a after_validation callback but it doesn't seem to work.
def set_dates
if self.startdate
self.enddate = self.startdate + days
First of all, why do you need to convert a date attribute in your startdate? Why don't you use something like f.date_select :startdate
in you form?
Then, in your model you need something like attr_accessor :number_of_days
with wich you can get the number_of_days as an integer in your form with f.select :number_of_days, (1..10).to_a
(set the array as you like).
You can set your callback the following way:
after_validation :set_enddate
def set_enddate
if self.startdate
self.enddate = self.startdate + self.number_of_days.days