In an effort to make starting new projects easier, I've 'factored' out several classes I use regularly into a separate project in eclipse. I call this project the All-In-One. It holds a variety of abstract classes and OpenGL related methods I often reuse.
(All-In-One is included in the build path)
The issue I'm having is with another project, I'll call it the test project. I create an instance of the SimpleShader class in the test project ( referencing All-In-One ), but during runtime, it searches for default.vert and doesn't find it (
I'm guessing it has to do with Parent Project not knowing about the shdr folder and its contents; or seeing that the class is 'created' in test project, it doesn't look in All-In-One's src folder. I've tried linking a folder to the shdr folder in the test project, but nothing changed.
All-In-One Project
.... other files
Test Project
Here would be the main file that creates an instance of
SimpleShader, which then looks for default.vert (but can't find it)
I load the file with this
String filename = "shdr/default.vert"; // It's actualy passed via a parameter, but this works.
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename); // Boom
Before creating a seperate project for all the major things, this worked just fine. I hope that it's just something simple that I don't know, or understand.
Thanks in advance.
Building on what Guenther said, I had tried that already without success. I did feel inspired and found that this worked.
String filename = SimpleShader.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toExternalForm().substring(5)+filename;
Outputs somthing similiar to