I initialize here
$scope.statuses = [];
Then if I simply set the data from $http.get to the $scope variable, that "works" but I need to filter it down more.
$scope.statuses = result.data.Devices;
That returns the array of data like this in dev tools console output
0: Object $$hashKey : "object:5" Aid : "oAAABTUAAg==" DKiIndex : "DKi00000002" DefaultPayload : "C:\ProgramData\" DeviceId : "00022B9A000000010001" DeviceStatus : 3 ManifestIdList : Array[3] PendingManifestId : null PendingTimeStamp : "0001-01-01T00:00:00" Sha : "R2tiZRQgY/iohXZt5O4HaQwtVe/adWU2VOcKaelJ3Us=" StagedManifestIdList : Array[0]
However I only WANT some specific data
$scope.statuses = result.data.Devices.DeviceStatus;
Why does it say 'undefined' and how do I do this?
So 0: Object DeviceStatus is there.. :/
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="DeviceController as vm">
<tr ng-repeat="device in vm.devices">
Essentially I wish to manipulate the data in Javascript /angular (.js) before it makes it to the ng-repeat loop
Thus is $scope even the proper thing to even be using?
I know that I have some data to change for example
Some data in a field was surrounded by [] e.g. [01,02,03] so doing {{ device.aid.join(',') }} would "fix" the [] issue but i need to have some function like this? where can i use this?
// usage {{displayArchived(item.archives)}}
$scope.displayArchived = function(archives){
return (archives.length > 0) ? archives.join(',') : 'none';
Then will a "let" help for numbers of DeviceStatus?
let statuses = ['Old Device', 'New Device', 'Activated', 'Unactivated'];
In this instance, result.data.Devices
is an array of objects that looks something like this:
{DeviceId : "00022B9A000000010001" DeviceStatus : 3 .... },
{DeviceId : "00022B9A000030011111" DeviceStatus : 9 ...},
So when you try to get result.data.Devices.DeviceStatus
, there is no array element called DeviceStatus
, which is why you are getting back undefined
You will need to iterate through the array of Devices to get a specific Device's DeviceStatus
angular.forEach(result.data.Devices, function(value, index){
or you can access directly if you know which device you want:
var index = 1;
$scope.statuses = result.data.Devices[index].DeviceStatus;
If you want to get all of the devices and display {{ device.DeviceStatus }} with your template, here is a solution:
$scope.devices = result.data.Devices;
<div ng-repeat="device in devices">
{{ device.DeviceStatus }}
In our code, we assign the request.data.Devices
array to $scope.devices
. Then in the template, we use ng-repeat
to go through each device
in $scope.devices
and display the device's DeviceStatus
In order to match the DeviceStatus to it's actual name, you can create a custom filter.
In your code create the filter:
app.filter('deviceStatus', function () {
return function (status_id) {
var statuses = ['Old Device', 'New Device', 'Activated', 'Unactivated'];
return statuses[status_id];
You can use the new filter in your template now:
<td>{{device.DeviceId | deviceStatus}}</td>
We pipe the DeviceId
into our custom deviceStatus
filter in order to get the correct status name in the template.