What I need to do:
Add another array to store the names of the stores. It should be an array of strings. Add the stores[]
array to the parameters of each method.
I'm reading this inputfile input.csv
that has this values:
Name Number Store
natto 3 Don Quijote
eggs 12 Whole Foods
shiitake 1 farmer's market
negi 1 farmer's market
garlic 5 Costco
umeboshi 1 Don Quijote
And the end it should be written to the output file output.csv
So my code should shows up like this with the store displayed and included:
Read from file: input4.csv
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 3
Row Name Number Store
1 natto 3 Don Quijote
2 eggs 12 Whole Foods
3 shiitake 1 farmer's market
4 negi 1 farmer's market
5 garlic 5 Costco
6 umeboshi 1 Don Quijote
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter name of item: BANANAS
Enter number of items: 100
Enter store of item: COSTCO
Added row #7: BANANAS 100 COSTCO
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 3
Row Name Number Store
1 natto 3 Don Quijote
2 eggs 12 Whole Foods
3 shiitake 1 farmer's market
4 negi 1 farmer's market
5 garlic 5 Costco
6 umeboshi 1 Don Quijote
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 2
Enter the row number of the item you wish to delete: 3
Deleting row #3: shiitake 1 farmer's market
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 3
Row Name Number Store
1 natto 3 Don Quijote
2 eggs 12 Whole Foods
3 negi 1 farmer's market
4 garlic 5 Costco
5 umeboshi 1 Don Quijote
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 4
Wrote to file: output4.csv
My code right now only shows the ability to add, delete, display the row, name and number except the store list. Is there a way for me to follow this format above so it can:
edit: I fixed everything on my code but I can't seem to display, add, or delete the store names to the array is it not reading from the file? my new updated code
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.Integer;
public class TestRun1 {
/** Stores the first line of the file, which has the headings */
public static String firstLineOfFile = "";
* The main() Method Starts The Program.
* @param commandlineArguments 1st argument is INPUT File, 2nd argument is OUTPUT File
public static void main(String[] commandlineArguments) {
// Error Checking For 2 Command Line Arguments..
if (commandlineArguments.length != 2) {
System.out.println("Please enter the INPUT file name as the 1st commandline argument.");
System.out.println("Please enter the OUTPUT file name as the 2nd commandline argument.");
System.out.println("Please enter exactly two (2) commandline arguments.");
// Immediately terminates program
}// end of if
// if no commandline argument errors, continue program
// Declare and instantiate array of 100 Strings and Integers
final Integer MAX_SIZE = new Integer(100);
String itemNames[] = new String[MAX_SIZE];
Integer itemNumbers[] = new Integer[MAX_SIZE];
String StoreNames[] = new String[MAX_SIZE];
// Set size of grocery list to zero (0) items
Integer size = new Integer(0);
// read grocery items from file & store in arrays for grocery list
try {
size = TestRun1.readFromFile(commandlineArguments[0],
itemNames, itemNumbers, size, StoreNames);
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception) {
System.out.print("ERROR: Too many items in input file. ");
System.out.println("Please limit to " + MAX_SIZE + " items.");
// Immediately terminates program
// user's choice for Menu
Integer choice = new Integer(0);
// choice for ending program
final Integer QUIT = new Integer(4);
// if the user does NOT want to QUIT, keep looping
while (false == choice.equals(QUIT)) {
// get the user's choice
choice = TestRun1.displayMenu();
// add grocery item
if (choice.equals(1)) {
size = TestRun1.add(itemNames, itemNumbers, size, StoreNames);
// delete grocery item
else if (choice.equals(2)) {
size = TestRun1.delete(itemNames, itemNumbers, size, StoreNames);
// display grocery item
else if (choice.equals(3)) {
TestRun1.display(itemNames, itemNumbers, size, StoreNames);
// error message
else if (false == choice.equals(QUIT)) {
System.out.println("ERROR: Please enter an integer in the range from 1 to 4");
}// end of "while"
// write to from grocery list array to OUTPUT file
itemNames, itemNumbers, size, StoreNames);
}// end of main() method
* Displays the menu for the program and returns user's choice
* @return the choice of the user (if error, returns 0)
public static Integer displayMenu() {
// display menu
System.out.println("\tGROCERY LIST MENU");
System.out.println("\t Enter 1 to Add");
System.out.println("\t Enter 2 to Delete");
System.out.println("\t Enter 3 to Display");
System.out.println("\t Enter 4 to Quit");
System.out.print("\tEnter your choice: ");
// get input from user
Scanner keyboardInput = new Scanner(System.in);
String userInput = new String("");
Integer choiceOfUser = new Integer(0);
//get next word from user (hopefully, it is a number)
userInput = keyboardInput.next();
try {
// non-integer input will throw an exception
choiceOfUser = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + userInput + " is not a number!");
return choiceOfUser;
* Reads grocery items from a file and stores items in an array
* @param inputFile is the INPUT File
* @param itemNames2 is the array of item names in the grocery list
* @param itemNumbers2 is the array of item numbers in the grocery list
* @param size is the number of items in Grocery List
* @return the new size of the grocery list
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array size is less than number of
* items in input file
public static Integer readFromFile(String inputFile, String[] itemNames2,
Integer itemNumbers2[], Integer size, String[] StoreNames2) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
// connect to file (does NOT create new file)
File file = new File(inputFile);
Scanner scanFile = null;
try {
scanFile = new Scanner(file);
catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
// Print error message.
// In order to print double quotes("),
// the escape sequence for double quotes (\") must be used.
System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for \"");
System.out.println(inputFile + "\"");
// if made connection to file, read from file
if (scanFile != null) {
//first line of file is the headers, so don't store in the arrays
firstLineOfFile = scanFile.nextLine();
// keeps looping if file has more lines..
while (scanFile.hasNextLine()) {
// get a line of text..
String line = scanFile.nextLine();
// divides each line by commas
Scanner lineInput = new Scanner(line).useDelimiter(",");
//get the name and count from one line in the file
String name = lineInput.next();
String count1 = lineInput.next();
String store = lineInput.next();
//convert the string count to integer count2
Integer count2 = 0;
count2 = Integer.parseInt(count1);
catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + count1 + " is not a number!");
//if it is not an integer, then use zero (0) as default
//check for negative numbers
if(count2 < 0){
//change to positive integer
count2 = -count2;
//assign and count2 to appropriate arrays
itemNames2[size] = name;
itemNumbers2[size] = count2;
StoreNames2 [size] = store;
// increment size
// In order to print double quotes("),
// the escape sequence for double quotes (\") must be used.
System.out.println("Read from file: " + inputFile);
}// end of "if" for connecting to file
return size;
* Adds a grocery item to an array
* @param itemNames3 is the array of item names in the grocery list
* @param itemNumbers3 is the array of item numbers in the grocery list
* @param listSize is the size of the grocery list
* @return new size of the grocery list
public static Integer add(String[] itemNames3,
Integer[] itemNumbers3, Integer size, String[] StoreNames3){
// get item from user
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter name of item: ");
String name = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter number of items: ");
String count1 = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter name of store ");
String store = keyboard.nextLine();
//convert the string count to integer count2
Integer count2 = 0;
count2 = Integer.parseInt(count1);
catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + count2 + " is not a number!");
//if it is not an integer, then use zero (0) as default
//check for negative numbers
if(count2 < 0){
//change to positive integer
count2 = -count2;
//assign name and count2 to appropriate arrays at end
itemNames3[size] = name;
itemNumbers3[size] = count2;
StoreNames3[size] = store;
//give feedback to user to let them know what is being addded
System.out.println("Added row #" + (size + 1) + ": "
+ itemNames3[size] + " " + itemNumbers3[size] + " " + StoreNames3[size]);
// add one to the size (one item to end of list)
return size + 1;
* Deletes a grocery item from parallet arrays
* @param itemNames4 is the item names in the grocery list
* @param itemNumbers4 is the number of items in the grocery list
* @param listSize is the size of the grocery list
* @return new size of the grocery list
public static Integer delete(String[] itemNames4,
Integer[] itemNumbers4, Integer listSize, String[] StoreNames4) {
// get user input
System.out.print("Enter the row number of the item you wish to delete: ");
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
try {
// throws an exception if not an integer
Integer row = keyboard.nextInt();
// check for negative integers
if (row <= 0) {
System.out.println("ERROR: The row number cannot be negative or zero.");
// check for row number too big
else if (row > listSize + 1) {
System.out.println("ERROR: The row number is too big for the list.");
else {
//convert row to an index in the array by subtracting one
Integer index = row - 1;
//give feedback to user to let them know what is being deleted
System.out.println("Deleting row #" + row + ": "
+ itemNames4[index] + " " + itemNumbers4[index]+ " " + StoreNames4[index]);
// delete item by shifting items on the right of the item to the left
for (int i = index; i < listSize; i++) {
itemNames4[i] = itemNames4[i + 1];
itemNumbers4[i] = itemNumbers4[i + 1];
StoreNames4[i] = StoreNames4[i + 1];
// subtract one from the size (one item deleted from list)
catch (InputMismatchException exception) {
System.out.println("ERROR: You must enter an integer to delete an item.");
return listSize;
* Displays a the grocery list
* @param itemNames5 is the grocery list's item names
* @param itemNumbers5 is the grocery list's item numbers
* @param listSize is the size of the grocery list
public static void display(String[] itemNames5,
Integer[] itemNumbers5, Integer listSize, String [] StoreNames5) {
// divides each line by commas
Scanner lineInput = new Scanner(firstLineOfFile).useDelimiter(",");
//get the two headers from the first line of the file
String header1 = lineInput.next();
String header2 = lineInput.next();
String header3 = lineInput.next();
// display headings
System.out.println("Row " + header1 + " " + header2 + " " + header3);
// loop through the array
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
// display grocery list items as a numbered list
System.out.printf("%2d %8s %3d\n", i+1, itemNames5[i], itemNumbers5[i], StoreNames5[i]);
* Write grocery list array to file
* @param names is the grocery list names
* @param numbers is the grocery list numbers
* @param listSize is the size of the grocery list
public static void writeToFile(String outputFile, String[] names,
Integer[] numbers, Integer listSize, String [] store) {
// "PrintWriter" is a Class Used To Write to A File.
PrintWriter fileWriter = null;
try {
* Must use try-catch block, because PrintWriter may throw
* FileNotFoundException, which is a checked exception. This will connect
* to a file in the current directory. If the file does not exists, a new
* file will be created. If the file does exists, the file will be
* overwritten.
fileWriter = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
// Print error message.
// In order to print double quotes("),
// the escape sequence for double quotes (\") must be used.
System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for \"");
System.out.println(outputFile + "\"");
// if file opened successfully, then below code executes..
// continue program if writeToFile is not "null"
if (fileWriter != null) {
//write the headings to the first line of the file
// loop through list (grocery list) and write to file
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
// REMEMBER: always give feedback to the user!
System.out.println("Wrote to file: " + outputFile);
// WARNING: don't forget to close the file!
// will not write to file if not closed!
}// end of "if" statement for writeToFile
}// end of class
My I/O
Read from file: input4.csv
Enter 1 to Add
Enter 2 to Delete
Enter 3 to Display
Enter 4 to Quit
Enter your choice: 3
Row Name Number Store
1 natto 3
2 eggs 12
3 shiitake 1
4 negi 1
5 garlic 5
6 umeboshi 1
Store is not showing when I press 3 to display arrays. Nothing is showing
I can use the #1 option to add the name, and number of items and store but I can't see it when I redisplay it but it's not showing the store but only the itemname
and itemnumber
Same goes for option #2 which is deleting
The reason you aren't able to display is because inside of the display method you forget to add another format string inside System.out.println() so you needed to add another %s to account for your StoreNames[i].
public static void display(String[] itemNames5,
Integer[] itemNumbers5, Integer listSize, String [] StoreNames5) {
// divides each line by commas
Scanner lineInput = new Scanner(firstLineOfFile).useDelimiter(",");
//get the two headers from the first line of the file
String header1 = lineInput.next();
String header2 = lineInput.next();
String header3 = lineInput.next();
// display headings
System.out.println("Row " + header1 + " " + header2 + " " + header3);
// loop through the array
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
// display grocery list items as a numbered list
System.out.printf("%2d %8s %3d %8s\n", i+1, itemNames5[i], itemNumbers5[i], StoreNames5[i]);