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Maven add natives to library path

I want to include LWJGL via Maven in my project. I get the .jar files but the natives are not in the classpath.

With the help of google I found out that I should use mavennatives in order to automatically extract and copy the natives. However mavennatives will only find the natives that start with native- and the LWJGL-natives all have names like {artifactId}-{version}-natives-{os}.jar.

Question: How can I get Maven to import the dependencies with the proper names and extract these natives?

My pom.xml:

<project ... >



  • From official documentation of the plugin:

    This plugin unpacks every dependency with a classifier beginning with natives-.

    That's exactly your use case, the documentation points to the classifier element, which in your case is natives-linux or natives-windows.

    Accordingo to the documentation, theses cases will be handled:

    This are the default values, when enabling separateDirs the plugin will unpack each native dependency to a subdir of the nativesTargetDir named like its classifier (for example: natives-windows will go to target/natives/windows)

    Indeed the whole library's jar is in the form of {artifactId}-{version}-natives-{os}.jar but in Maven the classifier is exactly the string between the {version} and the extension of the file: in this case natives-{os}, which starts by natives and as such is handled by the library.