Is there a way to return the last ID from a column (called ID_MES
) without browsing through all of the records?
My job Talentd:
Without browsing the records it's not possible to find out the last records. However we can minimize the data flow between the components as follows.
For simplicity I am demonstrating the input as fixed flow input. The logic is as follows.
Find the below job which i have developed.
I have created a fixed flow with 6 columns and 12 records as shown in the image below.
I am interested in 'ID_MES' column alone, therefore i am using tFilterColumns. By using this component we can eliminate the unnecessary data flow.
Then a tAggregateRow is used and in it's operation section of component properties, I used 'ID_MES' as output column with 'last' function.
And finally the output is as follows.