I new with JFreeChart, I tried to used it in jasperreport, I have seen a question on how to insert a JFreechart object in jasperreport, and one of responses works, but the method used is deprecated:
JFreeChartRenderer jrc = new JFreeChartRenderer( SpiderChart.createChart2());
what is the new method to use ?
The direct substitution of JFreeChartRender
is the DrawChartRendererImpl
new DrawChartRendererImpl(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart chart, ChartHyperlinkProvider chartHyperlinkProvider);
another method is to provide an java.awt.image.BufferedImage
, that you can retrive from JFreechart
BufferedImage bufferedImage = chart.createBufferedImage(width, height);
Note, however that the normally you included it directly in you jrxml (from IDE you can drag the chart component into the report)
Example of pie chart jrxml
<reportElement x="89" y="100" width="200" height="100" uuid="b96a1b13-4bf0-4983-8168-97b80abdae04"/>
These are the Standard chart types you can use, if you are using JasperSoft Studio (and similar in iReport) see Creating Charts and Datasets with Jaspersoft Studio