I had a big file that I'm moving about. The normal protocol in the lab is to copy it somewhere and then delete it.
I decided to change it to mv.
My question is, why is mv so much faster than cp?
To test it out I generated a file 2.7 GB in size.
time cp test.txt copy.txt
Took real 0m20.113s
time mv test.txt copy.txt
Took real 0m12.403s.
TL;DR mv was almost twice as fast as copy. Any explanations? Is this an expected result?
I decided to move/copy the folder to a destination other than the current folder.
time cp test.txt ../copy.txt
time mv test.txt ../copy.txt
This time cp took 9.238s and mv took only 0.297s. So not what some of the answers were suggesting.
The answers are right. When I tried to mv
the file to a different disk on the same system, mv
and cp
took almost the same time.
When you mv a file on the same filesystem, the system just has to change directory entries to reflect your renaming. Data in the file is not even read.
(same filesystem means: same directory or same directory tree/same drive, provided that source and destination directories do not traverse symlinks leading to another filesystem of course!)
When you mv a file across file systems, it has the same effect as cp + rm: no speed gain (apart from the fact that you only run one command, and consistency is guaranteed: you don't have to check if cp succeeded to perform the rm)
(older versions of mv refused to move directories across filesystems, because they only did the renaming)
Be careful, it is not equivalent. cp
overwrites destination by default, whereas mv
will fail renaming a file/dir into an existing file/dir.