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How to determine whether the content in text frame of in design document changed through java script or action script?

I got an requirement to find out if content in text frame got changed or not through action script. Till now i am comparing with my server side data to check content from indesign document text frame, but now i would like to check if any default flag there to avoid server side call.


  • Track changes seems the way to go indeed. An alternative might be to use idle events to monitor stories changes. Basically what Josh just suggested.

    #targetengine "storiesChanges"
    function main()
    	var db = {};
    	var myIdleTask = app.idleTasks.item("checkStories");
    	if ( !myIdleTask.isValid ) {
    		myIdleTask = app.idleTasks.add({name:"checkStories", sleep:100});
    		myIdleTask.addEventListener(IdleEvent.ON_IDLE,onIdleEventHandler, false);
    	function onIdleEventHandler(myIdleEvent)
    		var doc =;
    		if ( !doc ) {
    			db = {}
    		var sts = doc.stories, st, id;
    		var n = sts.length;
    		while ( n-- ) {
    			st = sts[n];
    			id =;
    			if ( !db[id] ) {
    				$.writeln ("Storing "+id );
    				db[id] = st.contents;
    			else if ( db[id]!=st.contents ) {
    				$.writeln ( "Some changes were made on story "+id+" at "+(new Date()) );
    				db[id] = st.contents;
    			else {
    				$.writeln ( "No changes were made for story "+id );