I need to trim URL's in Microsoft Excel to the root domain and to the subdomain.
A1 = Contains https://blog.example.com/page/
B1 = Should result in example.com
C1 = Should result in blog.example.com
Two formulas removing http, https, .www and PATH. The first version (B1) should also remove SUBDOMAIN.
I only have one formula right now:
results in example.com
results in example.com
results in blog.example.com
results in #VALUE!
results in #VALUE!
As you can see in the sample above I get good results. But it dosen't work without http or https. Also this version keeps subdomain.
Try this in B1,
=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(REPLACE(REPLACE(A1, 1, IFERROR(FIND("//", A1)+1, 0), TEXT(,))&"/", FIND("/", REPLACE(A1, 1, IFERROR(FIND("//", A1)+1, 0), TEXT(,))&"/"), LEN(A1), TEXT(,)), CHAR(46), REPT(CHAR(32), LEN(A1))), LEN(A1)*2)), CHAR(32), CHAR(46))
.... and this in C1,
=SUBSTITUTE(REPLACE(REPLACE(A1, 1, IFERROR(FIND("//", A1)+1, 0), TEXT(,))&"/", FIND("/", REPLACE(A1, 1, IFERROR(FIND("//", A1)+1, 0), TEXT(,))&"/"), LEN(A1), TEXT(,)), "www.", TEXT(,))